Someone else’s pen

Lübeck alive!

We are very pleased that bloggers and journalists from many countries around the world enjoy visiting Lübeck to write about their experiences in travel blogs, magazines and digital stories.

In our section “Someone else’s pen” we present a small selection of texts in different languages. You can select the language by using the search tool. Simply have a try and find specific tips and recommendations in the various articles.


Das winterliche Lübeck

Andrea hat für ihren Blog Indigo-Blau die winterlich-bezaubernden Seiten der Lübecker Altstadt für sich und dich entdeckt und auch einen Abstecher nach Travemünde unternommen.


One weekend in Lübeck

Tamara Hinson from the blog loveExploring tells you what you should experience on a weekend in our beautiful Hanseatic city.


Mehr als Marzipan und Buddenbrooks

Simone Ott von reisememo wandelt auf den Spuren ihrer Kindheit in Lübeck. Dabei gibt sie manchen Tipp für Entdeckungen abseits von Marzipan und Buddenbrooks.


Fünf Lieblingsorte in Lübeck

Lilli Gavrić war für Die ZEIT unterwegs und verrät dir fünf Plätze in der Stadt, die sich perfekt zu Fuß erreichen lassen. Auch ein paar gastronomische Lieblingsorte sind dabei.


17 top attractions in Lübeck

Carl Austin from touropia gives you general information about accommodation and how you get to Lübeck. He also presents 17 things you shouldn’t miss during your stay in Lübeck.


An autumn day in Lübeck

Caroline from the blog packthesuitcases has grabbed one beautiful autumn day and gives you 16 tips for your very special experiences in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Viajando de incognito

un viaje al precioso casco antiguo de lübeck

Marta y Guillermo escriben sobre viajes por todo el mundo en su blog de viajes español Viajando de incógnito. Ambos viven en Alemania, así que, por supuesto, no puede faltar un artículo sobre Lübeck.


19 tips for your journey to lübeck

Mihir and Jacky from the blog nomadepicureans have put together their top tips for a trip to Lübeck. Read their blog and get inspired!


short break from everyday life

Kash Bhattacharya from the blog Wanderlust takes a short break in Lübeck. He writes about his recommendation on how you can organise a three-day stay.

Niva – flavours from Europe

a late summer trip to lübeck

Niva Josef wrote a series of articles about romantic, picturesque Germany on her blog Niva – flavours from Europe and chose Lübeck as the opening city.